I am 56 and looking for a lad or escort in Ringwood for a couple of hours of fun on either Tuesday the 14th or Wednesday the 15th
I am looking to make it a regular booking
I can accommodate at my flat in Ringwood and would prefer to do that rather than travel
You need to be a nice honest passive or versatile lad who is younger than me
You must enjoy kissing oral both ways and being rimmed I do not like to be rimmed but like to do it
Penetrative sex is not important but would be good if you are into receiving it I also like lots of body contact and touching
I have a weakness for legs so i would want you to wear shorts but as i know it is cold at the moment they could be under trakkies unless of course your happy to turn up in shorts
Please when you reply let me have a description including age and if your legs are hairy or smooth thank you
I will not answer unless you do
I am looking forward to meeting you
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